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More God, Less Crime by The Hon. Michele Bachmann

More God, Less Crime Product Photo

May 29-30, 2024
Guest: Dr. Joe McIlhaney

Part 1
Blackballed for his faith early in his academic career, Dr. Byron Johnson, author of More God, Less Crime, did not shy away or stand down from his outspoken Christian worldview. On today’s edition of Family Talk, the Hon. Michele Bachmann talks with Dr. Johnson about his time as a university professor on secular campuses. Even in the face of such discrimination against people of faith, God blessed Dr. Johnson’s earnest research which culminated in his meteoric rise in the world of academia. The words of the Bible will not be silenced!

Part 2
On today’s edition of Family Talk, the Hon. Michele Bachmann concludes her fascinating discussion with Dr. Byron Johnson, author of More God, Less Crime: Why Faith Matters and How It Could Matter More. Together, Dr. Johnson and Michele talk about the remarkable effects that faith-based programs have on those who are incarcerated, and the transformation it brings to their identity and purpose for life. Dr. Johnson has also done extensive research that shows the undeniable results that a Christian worldview has on mainstream society and in our daily lives. You might be shocked to learn that his findings point to the antithesis of the enemy’s lies.

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