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PRAY. SHARE. VOTE (CD) by Dr. James Dobson

PRAY. SHARE. VOTE (CD) Product Photo

Pray • Share • Vote

Each broadcast is filled with new and relevant information from guests Riley Gaines, Eric Metaxas, and Kirk Cameron. The topics focus on the importance of Christians standing up, speaking out, and urging others to vote their values.

1. Compelled to Speak Out with Riley Gaines
You may have heard the name Riley Gaines in headlines. She is a 12-time NCAA All-American swimmer who competed against and was tied with a biological male at an NCAA freestyle championship. Today on Family Talk, Gary Bauer talks with Riley about this unthinkable situation. In addition to the unfair competition, the female athletes were forced to share the same changing room and undress in front of this biological male. Can you imagine if that was your daughter? Join us today as Riley shares her conviction to speak up for the rights of female athletes. You won’t want to miss her powerful testimony.

2. The Battle Against A Marxist America with Eric Metaxas
As believers, we must not be deceived by the growing evil in this world. On today’s edition of Family Talk, you’ll hear from Eric Metaxas, who is an acclaimed author, speaker, and host of The Eric Metaxas Show. He passionately shares his views on the ever-deepening spiritual warfare that our country is experiencing, and the responsibilities that God has placed on His church. Christians must awaken from their slumber and be vigilant against the tyranny that threatens our future! 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

3. The Biblical Roots of American Freedom with Kirk Cameron
Parenting has never been for the faint at heart, but in our society today, moms and dads face a whole new set of hurdles that can seem insurmountable. On today’s edition of Family Talk, we’ll hear from Kirk Cameron, who is an evangelist, speaker, and actor, about specific challenges parents are experiencing across our country. Kirk boldly proclaims that we have allowed the root of Christianity to be severed and, “if we don’t repair it, nourish it back to health, the fruit will shrivel and the tree will topple.” Luke 12:48 says, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

Suggested Donation: $6

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