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2016 Broadcast Collection by Dr. James Dobson

2016 Broadcast Collection Product Photo

For nearly 40 years, Dr. James Dobson’s acclaimed daily radio show has connected with generations of families like yours. In keeping with tradition, we’ve selected 18 of his most popular broadcasts of the year, presented together on six audio CDs in the 2016 Family Talk Best of Broadcast Collection.

Please join Dr. Dobson and his noteworthy guests:

Disc 1 - Keep Your Love On (parts 1&2) with Danny and Sheri Silk - An exclusive interview with Vice President-elect Mike Pence

Disc 2 - Not All Roads Lead to Heaven (part 1&2) featuring Dr. Robert Jeffress - Dr. Dobson addresses today's hot-button issue of gender identity

Disc 3 - The Daniel Prayer (part 1&2) with Anne Graham Lotz - National Day Of Prayer 2016: Wake Up America

Disc 4 - A 3-part series about being Shattered and Restored by Julie Woodley

Disc 5 - An Immigrants Story (part 1&2) with E.Z. Emeal Zwayne - The Power of Forgiveness with Dr. Bruce Wilkinson

Disc 6 - The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty (part 1&2) by Eric Metaxas - And a powerful one-on-one between Dr. Dobson and Dr. Franklin Graham

Suggested Donation: $50

(Note: Receive this product for a gift of any amount. You can adjust quantity and your donation at checkout.)

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