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Fit over 50: Make Simple Choices Today for a Healthier You by Dr. James Dobson

Fit over 50: Make Simple Choices Today for a Healthier You Product Photo

April 21-22, 2022
Guest: Dr. Walt Larimore

Part 1
Scripture is clear that we honor God when we take care of the bodies He entrusted to us. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?" On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Walt Larimore, author of Fit Over 50, explains that your life is like a car with four wheels. If one of them goes flat, the whole car wobbles. This respected family doctor, who faithfully practiced medicine in order to help others, explains that your four health "wheels" are spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical.

Part 2
When most people think of getting fit, they focus exclusively on strengthening their physical bodies. But, on today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Walt Larimore points to the importance of another kind of strength training through the pursuit of a healthy life balance—relationally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Dr. Larimore stresses the value of healthy eating but also underscores the need to read the Bible, forgive others, spend time outdoors, and volunteer.

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