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Difficult and Disconnected Marriages by Dr. James Dobson

Difficult and Disconnected Marriages Product Photo

February 22-23, 2021
Guest: Dr. Sharon May

Part 1
Married couples naturally long to feel connected, appreciated, vulnerable and intimate with each other. But the painful reality for many is that their difficult and emotionally-disconnected marriages have left them feeling uncertain, defensive, and self-protective. Licensed marriage counselor Dr. Sharon May reveals how to transition from viewing your spouse as the problem to making your marriage a safe haven.

Part 2
If you’re feeling trapped in a difficult or emotionally disconnected marriage, Dr. Sharon May of the Safe Haven Counseling Center has some good advice. First, recognize the argument cycles that you get stuck in. Second, take responsibility for the ways you react. Third, instead of becoming angry or shutting down, show kindness. And fourth, truly listen to your spouse.

Suggested Donation: $6

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