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Becoming the Couple You Long to Be by Dr. James Dobson

Becoming the Couple You Long to Be Product Photo

Sept 30-Oct 1, 2021
Guest: Rhonda Stoppe

Part 1
Ecclesiastes 9:9 says, "Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of your life." That’s easier said than done! On today’s edition of Family Talk, Rhonda Stoppe (pronounced STOP-ee), Christian author of The Marriage Mentor: Becoming the Couple You Long to Be, explains how things can go wrong. For example, unmet expectations can breed resentment and unforgiveness. She urges husbands and wives to seek God’s affirmation first and spend time with older married couples who can provide godly mentorship.

Part 2
As children, we often listened to fairy tales in which it was Prince Charming’s job to sweep the heroine off her feet and "live happily ever after." But what happens if the prince fails? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Rhonda Stoppe (pronounced STOP-ee), Christian author of The Marriage Mentor, says the key to a successful marriage is to find your worth in Christ first. Our prayer should echo Psalm 139. "Search me, O God, and know my heart. Know my anxious thoughts and see if there's any wicked way in me."

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