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The Harbingers of Things To Come by Dr. James Dobson

The Harbingers of Things To Come Product Photo

May 9-10, 2022
Guest: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Part 1
When Rabbi Jonathan Cahn wrote his books, The Harbinger and The Harbinger II: The Return, he was studying the signs of a nation in danger of judgment from running away from God. In a similar way to the Lord sending harbingers to ancient Israel in the last days before its destruction, Rabbi Cahn believes that God has been sending similar signs to America through the events of 9/11 and the COVID pandemic to warn us to repent before our destruction. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Rabbi Cahn, a Messianic Jew, discusses his new film entitled "The Harbingers of Things To Come," which takes a deeper look at his research on the harbingers in our country.

Part 2
America has been the greatest of modern nations and a "city on the hill." But, on today’s edition of Family Talk, Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn explains that as a sovereign nation, we have subsequently turned our back on God, and darkened the world with immorality, pornography, and gender confusion. The producer of the new film, "The Harbingers of Things To Come," Rabbi Cahn states that America needs to learn from ancient Israel which was judged by God for its disobedience.

Suggested Donation: $6

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