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Life With a Messy Mate - Parts 1, 2 and 3 by Dr. James Dobson

Life With a Messy Mate - Parts 1, 2 and 3 Product Photo

August 3-5, 2022
Guest:Mrs. Sandra Felton

Part 1
The pace of modern life and the pressures of everyday needs surrounding our homes, jobs and families can pile up on us. Are you what one might call a messy person? Or are you married to a “messie”? Are you embarrassed by the piles of clutter which make your home unwelcoming to family and friends? On today’s classic edition of Family Talk, Sandra Felton, the founder of Messies Anonymous, has sound advice for people struggling with this condition, including how to grapple with a spouse who is a “messie,” so that you can get things in order and improve your relationship.

Part 2
On today’s edition of Family Talk, Sandra Felton, author of When You Live with a Messie, counsels against nagging your spouse about his or her messiness, but rather, take practical steps to help. This includes changing the house and your own approach to the messiness. Unless you proactively address these ongoing familial conflicts, these leaks can sink your family’s boat.

Part 3
One of the struggles that a married couple can face is when one spouse is clean and organized and the other is messy and disorganized. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Sandra Felton, author of When You Live with a Messie, says “messies” tend to be easygoing, fun-loving, and creative people. And these are generally good qualities. So then, how do you create a balance to offset the conflict of clean vs. messy? Felton, a reformed “messie” herself, addresses this, and answers questions from the studio audience on how to thrive despite the maylays of clutter.

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