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Embracing Love and Respect in Marriage by Dr. James Dobson

Embracing Love and Respect in Marriage Product Photo

January 13-14, 2020
Guest: Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Part 1
The welfare of every marriage hinges on the mutual admiration and adoration husbands and wives have for one another. On this broadcast, popular author and speaker Dr. Emerson Eggerichs delivers a message based on his best-selling book, Love and Respect. He highlights the importance of spouses valuing each other and clarifies some of the different dynamics between the sexes.

Part 2
On this episode, you will hear the remainder of Dr. Emerson Eggerichs' insightful speech based on his best-selling book, Love and Respect. Dr. Eggerichs examines the different expectations men and women have in marriage and the dangerous cycle couples get caught in when love and respect are absent.

Suggested Donation: $6

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