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Encouraging Enterprising Moms by Dr. James Dobson

Encouraging Enterprising Moms Product Photo

August 18-19, 2021
Guest: Carrie Wilkerson

Part 1
Carrie Wilkerson experienced a conflict that mothers often face. With two newly-adopted preschoolers, she felt conflicted, or "mom-flicted," about going back to a traditional "9 to 5" job and leaving her kids in daycare. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson sits down with Carrie, author of The Barefoot Executive, to discuss how she managed to stay home with her kids and earn valuable income by using her laptop. She learned how to use her God-given skill sets and make money during their nap time and nighttime.

Part 2
Carrie Wilkerson was over $100,000 in debt and 145 pounds overweight. Because she had been inattentive to details in her business and with her health, both had gotten out of control. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson and Ms. Wilkerson, the author of The Barefoot Executive, discuss how she paid off every dime within two years by working at home and dropped down to a healthy weight by practicing discipline. Her counsel? Brainstorm a home business with your God-given skill sets instead of chasing other people’s dreams.

Suggested Donation: $6

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