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Is Genesis History? by Dr. James Dobson

Is Genesis History? Product Photo

July 25-26, 2022
Guest: Dr. Del Tackett

Part 1
Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Sadly, a large percentage of the Christian community does not believe that Genesis is true history. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson and Dr. Del Tackett, the creator of The Truth Project, discuss Del’s documentary film, "Is Genesis History?," and examine the scientific evidence for creation. They also review the most important biblical truth: that just as sin and death entered the world through one man, Adam, salvation and God’s grace came through one man, Jesus Christ.

Part 2
Throughout history, the biblical book of Genesis was considered an accurate and reliable record, but over the past 250 years, it has become one of the most controversial books of all time. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson and Dr. Del Tackett, creator of The Truth Project, continue discussing Del’s film, “Is Genesis History?,” and the evidence for creation. As part of his research for the film, Dr. Tackett interviewed several field scientists and geologists who point to the fact that evidence of the Genesis flood is present throughout the world.

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