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The Fatherless Series by Dr. James Dobson and Kurt Bruner

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The Fatherless Series
by Dr. James Dobson and Kurt Bruner

The Fatherless series is set two decades in the future when the United States joins the developed world in severe financial decline because the economic pyramid has flipped. Too few of the young are bearing the burden of a rapidly aging population. The main character struggles to convince skeptical politicians to pursue what he calls “bright spots” in the midst of dismal economic and cultural clouds. The generally despised “breeders” (married couples with kids) are vital to financial and social stability, a difficult notion for many to swallow, let alone advocate. This fictional future is based upon the real-world trajectory of current demographic, economic legal and cultural trends.

Explore the demographic and sociological trends portrayed in The Fatherless series, and celebrate the resilient beauty of God’s design for marriage and parenthood.

Request The Fatherless series (while supplies last) as a thank you for your gift to support the work of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.

Suggested Donation: $50

(Note: Receive this product for a gift of any amount. You can adjust quantity and your donation at checkout.)

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